Current & upcoming focus group and interview projects:

  • Australia:
    • Ref-3398: Exploring attitudes and behaviours towards indigenous electoral participation – interviews throughout September and October.
    • Ref-3367: Exploring digital communications for a government portal – interviews throughout September and October.
    • Ref-3411: Exploring satisfaction drivers for those attending national libraries – interviews occurring from September to December.
    • Ref-3415: Exploring communications for veterans and war history – interviews occurring during October and focus groups in November.
  • International:
    • Ref-5330: In-depth interviews with farmers to explore crop bacterial disease in Germany, Netherlands, and the UK
    • Ref-5370: In-depth interviews with farmers to explore creative concepts for soybean farmers in the USA.

Terms and conditions for participating in our qualitative research:

We request those registering to participate to read and accept these terms of Consent to Participate and then let us know their best contact details.

  • I understand that I am registering my interest to participate, and that a staff member will contact me to confirm my participation, and this form is not an indication I am guaranteed to participate.
  • I answered the questions during recruitment honestly and to the best of my knowledge.
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason, without my legal rights being affected.
  • I understand that all my personally identifiable information about me will be kept in a secure place and in a confidential way.
  • I consent to the research discussion being video and audio recorded for research purposes only.
  • I consent to the client either observing the group discussion or viewing the video and audio recording for the exclusive purpose of this research.
  • I agree to not act in any way to take advantage of, or to profit from, the information shown to me during this session, nor disclose to a third party without written permission from the researcher.
  • I understand I will receive my incentive within one week of the session, based on my full participation to the satisfaction of the moderator. I will have the option to receive my incentive via an electronic bank transfer, PayPal transfer, gift card, or a donation on my behalf.

If you are a participant in our research and have any questions, please email us at

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