There is a growing interest in creating and sustaining ‘mentally healthy’ workplaces, with known benefits in lower levels of sickness and absence, higher productivity, and higher retention levels. But what is a ‘mentally healthy’ workplace and how do you know how your workplace stacks up?
instinct and reason has helped to move this agenda on via a pioneering piece of research for SuperFriend. For the first time, the characteristics of a thriving, mentally healthy workplace have been mapped out in specific measurable terms (for perception surveys and/or audits) along with a snapshot of the current reality in Australian workplaces.
SuperFriend has taken this forward and the study is now in its 7th year:
It lists the desired state characteristics and the current state survey results. There is a foreword from the Chairman of the National Mental Health Commission, and a call for employers to use the survey as a template-benchmark. Do get in touch if you want to test how your organisation stacks up.