Working without context is like working in the dark. Working to develop a new product without understanding how it fits in with contemporary life and values is like making something without the benefit of sight.

From the day instinct and reason began we had in place a view about the main changes that would soon impact on the bottom line of organisations. The trends identified were things that were not fads but were relevant to human needs and would have an impact, one way or another, on the profitability of organisations within the next five years.

Our WE ARE THE OVER 55s monitor is a direct extension of the trend of shifting demographics. It is now the most important and up-to-date data set in Australia about the experience people are having as they enter the third age.   Most importantly, the understanding of these social trends informs the insights instinct and reason brings in addition to research findings.

Millennials have recently demanded attention!  Our WE ARE THE MILLENNIALS monitor looks at what they think and what they do.  With high levels of migration into Australia over the last 5 years (more than a million new Australians) out of a population of 25 million, they represent the fasted growing age segment in Australia.  Millennials are the group of people born from 1981 to 1996 meaning they came ‘of age’ in the digital revolution without any personal adult experience from a world without the internet.


Providing context to research findings helps us balance the aspirations of consumers with reality.

instinct and reason questions can “this idea” get the attention of people in a world of declining attention? Will this idea be trusted in a world where there is declining trust in the claims of marketers? Does this idea connect with customers? Is it of any personal relevance? How does this idea bring simplicity to a person’s life? And many more!

Our Trends are regularly shared with customers at our INSIGHTS BREAKFAST sessions, held seasonally every year.

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